Saturday 28 March 2009

Audience research 3

Yasmin Schmitz
Audience research three


Films Watched
Intro 1___________________________
Intro 2___________________________
Intro 3___________________________

1) Out of the three intro’s, which did you find the most engaging?

2) During the course of a film, protagonists usually come across issues which they have to solve. This leads them to make moral choices. Are there any evident issues in the opening of these three films?

Intro 1

Intro 2

Intro 3

2) Is there a particular atmosphere in the opening of the film? How do you think this is achieved?

Intro 1

Intro 2

Intro 3

3) Is the protagonist (main character) easily identified? If so, how?

Intro 1

Intro 2

Intro 3

4) The genre “social realism” deals with current social issues in a realistic and genuine style. How do you think these three intros qualify to be a social realism film?

Intro 1

Intro 2

Intro 3

5) Are there any aspects of the PICTURE and SOUND that you feel are particularly effective?

Intro 1

Intro 2

Intro 3

6) From your first impression of the opening of these three films, can you justify where the director’s interests lie? Can you distinguish any themes that may be present during the course of these three films?

Intro 1

Intro 2

Intro 3

7) Finally, please select the film you think will be the most successful with a mainstream audience.

Thank you for participating in my questionnaire.

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