Saturday 28 March 2009

Post-production research

Yasmin Schmitz .
Post-production questionnaire

1) What did you like or dislike about my intro?

2) Can you identify any issues?

3) Is the narrative clear? (Can you understand what is happening?)

4) What do you understand the narrative to be about?

5) Do you think my film has the potential to be shown at professional multiplexes?

6) Did the narrative seem realistic to you?

7) Do you think my film is suitable to fit into the social realism genre?

8) Can you empathise with the protagonist?

9) Does the mise-en-scene create a specific ambience?

10) Does the intro persuade you to watch the rest of the film?

11) How would you describe the location?

12) How would you describe the character of the teenage girl?

13) What do you understand about the other character seen in the intro?

14) From the intro alone can you identify any important issues which you think the film might go on to explore?

15) What effect does the choice of music have?

16) How would you describe the mood of the film?

17) What sort of pace does the film have and why do you think the director might have chosen to pace it like this?

18) What sort of audience do you think the film might be targeting?

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